Friday, 11 December 2009

Grand Ethiopian Tour

Dear All
my apologies for the lack of blogs. I have just returned for my 18 day trip visiting educational institutes around Ethiopia which was amazing. There is so much to share with you and I will get a blog done soon. Just one thing to say - I can't believe how green and luscious Ethiopia is - a far cry from the dry arid land we see on the news, it truly is a beautiful country. I have tales to tell of pink bottomed baboons, herds of camels, cheeky monkeys and drizzling waterfalls. All of which made up for having to share the small confines of a car with the most irritating colleague in the world and the appalling sanitation; well what can a girl expect from a 20 Birr 'hotel' (£1!)? I look forward to sharing my stories with you.
I am a little jealous of your Christmas preparations - there is NONE here - in fact their Christmas is not until January - the feast of the Epiphany. But us ferengis will take the day off and have dinner together. If you feel sorry for a poor VSO and wish to send me some goodies for Christmas the postal address is Joanne Cairns, VSO Programme Office, PO Box 23531, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. This is also the address to send your cds and posters for my school project. Sending stuff for them could be your Christmas present to me. Thanks so much.
I'll be in touch soon. But just want to say the emails I have been getting have been brilliant - I missed emailing during my visit, but it is good to be back in touch. Thankyou to all of you who keep up with the emails, you have no idea how much it brightens my day. I am still enjoying the challenges of my post here, but feeling just a tad homesick with Christmas looming. Still I have my Addis family here: David, Maureen, Nancy, Trish, Vicky, Mary and Jamie all to keep me company. Tales of Christmas in a foreign land to come.
Love to you all
Joanne xx
p.s thanks for the PJs - you know who you are - I love them!!!!!

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