Sunday, 27 September 2009

Life in Addis

Welcome dear bloggers. My apologies for the lack of blogs but life has been pretty hectic. I arrived in Ethiopia on 13th Sept and have been holed up at the Ethiopian Red Cross Centre fro two weeks doing ICT - In Country Training. I have already discovered that Ethiopians LOVE acronyms (or that other thing where letters are used instead of words - I know I know I am an English Teacher!!!!) I will be an ELIP advisor for ELIC which is governed by ELQIP. And I will be working alongside colleagues in the Ministry of Education involved in HDP and CDP (this latter one means the same!) Hopefully you'll soon get as confused as I am by the whole process. But I start work tomorrow so may be able to enlighten you further.
I have moved into my new home, which apparently has the comfiest VSO bed in the whole of Ethiopia. I have no complaints and am sleeping well. That means I will have plenty of guests. How true. Mary and Jamie from Sabeta - south of Addis -  are just away after staying the weekend. They came up partly to have a hot shower, they have no water at all in their compound, and they are not the only VSOs in that situation. So I am pretty well off with hot and cold running water and a fridge. So nice cold beers called St George! I am awoken each morning by birds, including humming birds, twittereing outside my window. I have a small but lovely garden with a multitude of flowers. Who says a volunteer's life has to be hard? Also for those who know, I have a new Dominga - called Elnish!!!! When she saw me doing my own washing she took over and told me my washing was rubbish! So I will be well looked after!
So what is Addis like? It is like any big city - busy, hectic and large. Only the mjor roads are tarmaced and the rest are very rocky and dusty - so my poor feet are aching by the end of the day. Men pee on the side of the roads and toilets in cafes etc are usually pit holes with no paper and no hygiene. Apparently Habesha (local) girls learn to hold it in from an early age! So there are quite a few smelly bits. Also animals are aplently here. I had to work my way through a small herd of goats just to get to my house the other day. I felt ok doing that till I saw one with rather large horns ready to butt. But I dodged out of the way just in time.  Donkeys are also plentiful and share the road with the traffic. I get around using line taxis which are small rickety minibuses. There are no numbers or signs on the line taxis so you need to listen hard for destinations. Which means I need to get to grips with the local language - Amharic or it could be a magical mystery tour. However the standard of English here is pretty good. Also alomst all the Ethiopians I have encountered are freindly and helpful and smile a lot.
Yesterday a group of us ferengis (foreigners) went to an importany religious festival called Meskel. It celebrates the finsing of the tru cross. Thousands of people gathered in Meskel square where we watching a parade of dancers, bands and flags till they lit the bonfire at sunset while everyone held candles alit. It was a beautiful scene. And there wasn't a hint of trouble. We felt very safe and welcomed. Even they mayor of Addis welcomed visitors to this festival - in English. Thousands of us walked home after and it was fun and safe. Also not a hint of alcohol in sight. I felt very priviledged to be there. Unfortunately my camera has broken so I may be short on photos for a while. Photos will come in Ethiopian time!
Now that I am settled I'll try to keep a more regular blog. I wish everyone well. You are in my thoughts and prayers. Love Joanne x

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Sunday, 13 September 2009

Welcome to Africa!
Hello everyone and welcome to Africa! It is a gorgeous sunny day with a bright blue sky and gentle cool breeze. Apart from the luggage fiasco - which got sorted and arrived safely - the journey was fine. No problems, though I did fall asleep during the new Star Trek film which shows just how tiring it was. But I am sure Kirk and Spok won the day.
I am staying at the Red Cross centre for the next week which has hot running water from the taps - so a bit of luxuary to start with. Breakfast was nice - scrambled eggs on strange toast with barley and butter! Coffee short and black.
First impressions of the place are good - people lovely and helpful and gentle. I am feeling good positive vibes.
Finally just a HUGE THANKYOU to everyone for their support, help, donations and gifts. I was truly overwhelmed by people's generosity. If I seemed quiet or uneffusive it is only because I felt so humble but everyones kindness. I assure you I will do all I can in my time here to help others.
Nuala, I bought a gorgeous pair of sunglasses from Fat Face, you'd be proud of me and I look quite glam in them. Mo thanks for your text, hopefully I can text you soon. and thanks to siblings for an absolutely fabulous gift - great choice Mo, I haven't had it off yet. Fran, thanks for a lovely party the memory will stay with me for quite some time. Mark, no need to send you the invoice, get mum to tell you the luggage saga. Gill and tennis chums have a great Club championship - looks like you have a nice day for it.
So all, welcome again to Africa and Ethiopia. Here the adventure begins and you are all part of it as I take a part of all of you with me. Big Hugs, kisses and love, Joanne XX

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Thursday, 10 September 2009

Swish Mary

What an afternoon. Brilliant! It couldn't have been better. Last Sunday ensured that I reached my target for VSO. But what was even better was there was much fun to be had. Aunt Mary and Anne were tireless in getting things organised. Those who had been invited gladly handed over their ticket money and the games commenced. Firstly we had a free raffle, and even I was surprised to see the VSO t-shirt was not left to last and was taken up as a a welcome prize. (Please Theresa let me know what you did with it!!!!) This set the mood and people relaxed, along with a few G&Ts. Next Alice performed a rather fetching Fashion Show of the quality of goods available. People were eager to get going. Then the countdown and the rush began. All goods donated were unwanted/unused/forgotten-about gifts passed on. Everyone wanted something some-one else had discarded! To avoid disappointment - or create it and to raise funds, the most popular items were auctioned off. We may have started the bidding at 20p but many items went for £15. I couldn't believe it! From new linen to perfume to jewellery and crystal glasses all items were snatched up. There was a very heated moment when the video of 'One Flew Over the Cuckoos Nest' went for a greater price than could have been bought at Asda. But then again there is no price on love. Maureen was determined to re-live her first date! I am also mad at Nuala outbidding me on the Kenzo. Enjoy! Those items not bid for in the auction went to whoever wanted them and donations were asked for. Plastic bags were found for those who had a successful day and went home with more than they donated in the first place. No-one went home empty handed or on empty stomachs. Mary and Anne were once again the epitome of superwomen. Food aplenty was had by all, finished up with hand decorated fairy cakes!

To finish off the afternoon we had the raffle, which alone raised over £200! I was delighted that so many people from different areas of friends and family enjoyed a prize. Some people won on the free raffle and the main raffle - well done Maura! I was just sorry that the tennis team never won a prize. I was humbled by the generous gifts donated for the raffle and I cannot leave this blog without thanking those who doanted. THANKYOU to:
Tony McKee for the day Spa
Aiden McGeady for personalsing the jersey
Julie Claire Florists for the flowers
Rachel Goldie at ARC for the regenerist facial
Tina Steenberg for the relaxation session
Essential Beauty for the massage
Helen Byers for the fruit basket.

But most of all I thank all of you who contributed to the Swish Day, both in items and your particiaption. And of course to Mary and Anne without whom none of this would have been possible. I have no doubt this will not be the last we see of Swish Days in the Southside. What a great fun day. Thankyou one and all!!!!

Saturday, 5 September 2009

What Another Night!

Just a quick note to say that I had a lovely night out with the folks of the ICT base at Lourdes. Thanks for a lovely night, great food, great atmosphere, great chat. If I keep meeting people and eating out I'll certainly be well equipped to deal with any tummy bugs that come along!
This is also to check whether I can email my own blog as apparently I may not be able to access my blog from Ethiopia but possibly I can email it. So I am checking that out.
I wish everyone well at Lourdes for a happy and successful year.

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